Deploy your contracts using the provided script

Now that you have added your contract to the project, you can deploy the contract to any network of your choice.

Add a deployer secret key in the .env file

First thing you need to do is to copy paste the .env.example file to create a .env file which will be used to retrieve the deployer secret key by the script. Just add any valid secret key to the .env file under the field ADMIN_SECRET_KEY.

Run the contract

Then we can use the script provided in the contracts folder: scripts/deploy.ts. The script is using stellar-js under the hood.

The contracts folder is a typescript package itself which needs to have its dependencies installed:

# From the contracts folder run
npm -i
pnpm -i

The script can then be called using yarn (or any package manager)

yarn deploy network_name contract_name_1 contract_name_2 ...

Replacing network_name by one of testnet|futurenet|standalone|mainnet and adding all the contracts name you want to deploy as next arguments.

For instance if I want to deploy the greeting contract on testnet I will run:

yarn deploy testnet greeting

Under the hood the script will

  • Load the pair provided in the .env for the deployer identity
  • Fund the deployer identity using Friendbot
  • Deploy the contracts on testnet
  • Add the contracts deployment infos in deployments.json